Kamis, 04 Juni 2009


What: Tuberculosis is an infection penyaki menularyang caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. You can terseranginfeksi over the air that you hirup, which tetunya has terkontaminasi germ m.tuberculosis. If bacteria is left berkmpul and will continue to develop into many, especially if you have a low resistance tubuhyang. "And because the lungs directly related to the channel pernapasa, so most bacteria will attack this organ. Pad the infection is usually referred to as tuberculosis tuberculosis. Even though most of the organs lungs, organ utbuh not mean that your other security. Tuberculosis bacteria attacks the body's other organs besides the lungs through the circulation virgin.

Identify the symptoms: You should start your body if you suspect you to keep a cough accompanied by phlegm for 3 weeks or more. especially out of sputum mixed with blood or bloody cough. In addition, shortness of breath and the appearance in the chest pain is also the symptoms of tuberculosis are the most commonly occur. Another thing that you should also note the flu such as fever are often lost tmbul for more than a month.

Overcoming ways: The best way to prevent the attack tuberculosis bacteria with the immunization. Tuberculosis vaccine known as the first name of TB is BCG (Bacillus Calmete Guerin). This vaccine can not protect you 100%, but the level of effectiveness to reach 70-80%.

Source: Men's Health Magazine

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