Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009


Thirty NEW DISEASES Appears ...

Lately it appears many new scandalize the world. From HIV-AIDS, SARS, bird flu, Singapore flu, equine flu, and flu H1Niyang new or formerly known as the flu pigs. what is the cause of disease appear? Lecturer akultas Medical University General Ahmad yani (UNJANI) dr.sutedja, SKM, MPH said, many diseases are due to appear and disseminator of global warming. "global warming is, at least, the emergence of thirty organisms cause disease or infection of the new new emerging disease," he said at the campus UNJANI Cimahi, Bandung - West Java, Indonesia. statement he had also noted in orasiilmiah "the influence of global warming on public health" in order Dies Natalis UNJANI XIX in Building Sasana Krida (GSK) UNJANI Cimahi, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. dr.sutedja the various types of diseases that are new at this point in the past suffered by animals in the forest. "For example, HIV and ebola in anguish by a monkey in Central Africa. As well as various other diseases such as equine flu, Singapore flu, bird flu, and flu Pigs that appear at this time. With the environment such as destruction pembalakan forest utuk settlement purposes, livestock, agriculture and the animal habitat is disturbed. This is the animal out of the forest habitat and near human settlements. "from where the interaction occurred between the forest animals and humans." according to him, some of the original benign virus in the plants or animals can be experienced if the mutation disrupted habitat. The mutation occurred in some genes that can be exchanged between humans and animals.

Distribution of

the global warming effect on climate change and the weather has also caused the spread of disease spread. temperature changes occurred in areas that were previously to be cold or subtropical hangat.padahal, warm temperatures that favored by pathogenic organisms so that spread to the area. cases of disease caused by global warming include malaria. global warming can menyababkan 45% -60% of the population of the world threatened malaria. number of new infections disease that developed at this time is also worsened by the decrease of resistance the human body. slah it only caused when people breathe in this air quality worsened. in separate places, Bina Penyehatan Head of Environment and Prevention Public Health Dr West Java. Fita Rosemary, M.Kes. weather changes cause the growth of bacteria and viruses in tularkan through the air. rights that will facilitate the spread of the disease in tularkan by these two organisms. according to him, memburuknya air quality memanng akan ease of transmission of disease in humans. therefore, Fita on agat can strengthen body resistance.

Minggu, 10 Mei 2009


The drugs

Substance or drug addict is a drug derived from plants or plant not good synthetic or semi synthetic that can cause a decrease or change in awareness, sense of loss, to reduce the pain, and may cause dependence, which is to be in the class-as attached in this law or which is then determined with the Decree of the Minister of Health. Production activity or process is set up, manage, create, produce, and resemble or change the form of a drug including mengekstraksi, convert or up narkotia to produce drugs. - Import activity is to enter a drug addict in the Customs Area. - Export is a drug addict out of the Regional Customs. - Drug addict is a dark circle each event or series of activities done without the rights and against the law defined as a criminal drug addict. - Import letter of approval is the Minister of Health to import the drug addict. - Export letter of approval is the Minister of Health to import the drug addict. - Transportation is any activity or series of activities to move from one place of drug addict ketempat others, with moda way or any means of transportation. - Traders of pharmaceutical companies are forming a legal entity that has permission from the Minister for Health perform distribution activities, including drug addict sediaan pharmaceutical and health equipment. - Pabrik drug company is incorporated with a permit from the Ministry of Health to conduct production activities and distribution of drugs and medications, including drug addict. - Transito drug addict is a drug addict from the carriage of a country to another country with a layover in and through Region of the Republic of Indonesia there is a Customs Office with the switch or transportation facilities. - Habitue are people who use the drug addict and prostitute in a state of dependence on the drug addict both physically and psychological. - Dependency is a drug addict symptoms encouraged to use the drug addict on a continual basis, and tolerance symptoms when the use of drop out drug addict stopped. - It is the people who use the drug addict, and without the supervision of a doctor. - Medical rehabilitation is a process of recovery in an integrated fashion to deliver habitue of dependency of the drug addict. - Rehabilitation is a process of social activities in an integrated recovery of both physical, mental and social order habitue former drug addict can carry back the social function in community life. - Plot evil deeds are two or more people agreed with the intent to do the follow - criminal drug addict. - Tapping a series of events or activities and the investigation or the investigation conducted Police Officers by investigators of the Republic of Indonesia and how to talking through tapping and telephone or other electronic means of communication. - Corporations are teroganisasi collection of people and property or both is a legal entity or not. According UNDANG UNDANG REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER 5 YEAR 1997 ON psychotropic

Drugs, HIV, & WOMEN

Most drug users in indonesia and outside there are women and 60% of drug users is pengidap disease Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positif.kondisi this very memperihatinkan, especially drug users number is accompanied by pengidap disease AIDS / HIV. Later in each hospital each month there are 40-60 new HIV come. for consultation or health check, most of them are drug users. Actually not all people with HIV patients come to their own hospitals, and sometimes brothers, family, boyfriend and even those who come to bring the laboratory results. while HIV itself has not itself suffered engetahui if the syndrome is a scourge.