Jumat, 05 Juni 2009


Commonly used rejuvenation clinic and the doctors therapy program for patients Testoterone for men aged over 35 years old and suffering from problems associated with hypogonadism (low testosterone level natural) and andropause. as we all know, testosterone decreased measure on our bodies naturally. karen sangarta and decrease slowly, the men and women often do not realize how much they lose vitalitasnya. Many are not aware if they have dypogonadism.
Ask yourself:
-Are you easily tired?
-What is more difficult to form the body of a young mare in the first compare?
-Are you not mendapatkna the results of any fitness program?
-Are you living kehilanga goal?
-Is your body so weak?
-Are you easy to eat a little fat though?
-What is thought-power decrease?
-Libidoh-Do you decline?
-Does your hair fall out easily?

Hypogonadism Symptoms
Power-thought to decrease
-Energy and decreased strength
-The period of decreased muscle, increased fat content Libidoh
-Decreased sensitivity to ransangan Orgasme
-strength decreased Level
-ereksi decrease violence
-Depression, or the loss of ambition and enthusiasm
-Increased risk of cancer Easy
-infected Osteoporosis

Source: Magazines Reps

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