Selasa, 02 Juni 2009


What: Perhaps you have often heard this infection most people connect with the injury because sharp objects that rust. but, the problem is not only the tetanus. tetanus occurred because the poison produced by the bacteria clostridium tetani (C.tetani) that affect the nerve system and muscles. it is not one associate tetanus with injuries. Poisons from c.tetani usually enter the body through the blood into the wound, such as hair cuts or wounds resulting from the incision and in dirty or corroded. not only due to injury is exposed sharp objects only, tetpai also animal bite wounds as a result. Even you can be exposed to tetanus merajah while your body pierced with a dirty needle. most of the bacteria is found in the soil, human and animal faeces.

Identify the symptoms: early symptoms that you feel is a headache, gelisa, muscle aches in the jaw followed by feeling numb, fever, muscle and stomach harden kenjang. Symptoms will appear 8 days after the body infected. Pain in the jaw bone and tooth pain often makes it difficult to open the mouth and swallow food. On akhitnya, this will create difficulties for people with breathing.

How to cope: Racu c.tetani can dinetralkan with the immnoglobulin telatus. But before, any wound (especially a puncture wound in enough) should be cleaned as soon as possible to avoid the growth of cancer c.tetani. addition, you also need antibiotics tetrasiklin and panislin given to prevent formation of toxic lebuh information. Meanwhile, several other drugs such as diazepam, memprobamat, klorpomazin-diberkan to calm, control and slow twitch muscles. And if the infection is serious enough, you also need a ventilator for respiratory assist. after you recover, you still need a full vaccination for tetanus infection does not provide immunity against infection next.

Best action: of course, but it is better to prevent than treat. And how to prevent tetanus is to make vaccination. Usually, the first vaccination is given when you are still small (remember diepteri DPT vaccine, pertussis, tetanus?). However, if you had not received a tetanus vaccination, you need a tetanus immunoglobulin injections and injection after 3 months. we sure do not want to hurt you, but if this tiak avoided, clean and care of injured body parts as well as possible. And if you're not sure never to get tetanus vaccinations, or when you forget the last time you get this vaccination, please do not delay for a doctor to meet if the bite is infected sharply. The more quickly you are treated, the more quickly you also prevent the growth of toxic bacteria C.tetani.

Source: Men's Health Magazine

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