Rabu, 09 April 2008


Understanding of HIV / AIDS

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a collection of various symptoms of infection and as a result of the loss of the body's immune system because of infection from the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Although there have been handling for AIDS and HIV, medicine is not yet known. We can prevent HIV / AIDS is a slogan that disodorkan Community SMAN 109 Jakarta "CIX-ers" to invite all people concerned on the Prevention / Penanggulangan a disease caused by HIV is the virus! Maybe not everyone can care about the form of material (money, donations to the foundation, or the like), through the dissemination of information important form of transmission, prevention, and prone to the condition of AIDS may be useful for the community. AIDS is the acronym in English from the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a collection of various symptoms of infection and as a result of the loss of the body's immune system because of infection from the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Although there have been handling for AIDS and HIV, medicine is not yet known. Various factors that affect the health, immune function, health services, and other infections.


To the spread of HIV in the body can flow through the blood, through injury, blood vessel and through the membrane mukosa (mucous). Media penularannya are blood, sperm fluid, liquid and vagina. Some activities that can transmit HIV, namely: Sexual relationships that are not safe with people who have been infected with HIV. The use of syringe, piercing, tattoos that can cause injuries that are not sterilized together and had been used by people infected with HIV. Through a blood transfusion tercemar HIV. Pregnant women are HIV tercemar on children dikandungnya. HIV can not be transmitted through social contact such as food and drink together, shake, use public toilets, people with HIV / AIDS, people with HIV with the swim. Smooch patients with HIV will not spread if there is no injury as sariawan. We support usahamu to help and are still friends with AIDS, to provide encouragement to him to remain and undergo treatment normal.Ada life with a little advice from us because hygiene is important for health, then we suggest that the things that should be used each time individual, such as a towel.


In September 2005, the Directorate General Pemberantasan disease and Penyehatan Green, RI Department of Health reported 8251 cases of HIV / AIDS, where in 32 provinces, the 4065 cases of HIV and in 31 provinces, the 4186 AIDS cases. From the cases reported, the highest percentage (59.04%) found in the age group 20-29 years. While the age group under 14 years old percentage is 2.12%. Cases of AIDS were reported, the needle of drug abuse 59.9%, with the opposite sex type 47.8%, others 7.7%. National rate of AIDS cases per 100,000 population is 2.08. RI Department of Health report showed that these people are vulnerable to AIDS, the largest they are involved with drugs and needle SEX RELATIONSHIPS.

HIV / AIDS prevention can be started from our


Why Uganda succeeded? There are some things that are key to the success of this Uganda. First is the knowledge society of the AIDS / HIV, not only society but also the people of the village. This is the result of the government with the help of espionage community itself. Data show that 82% of women with Uganda AIDS / HIV. The key to the success of the second is knowledge about the people who carry the AIDS / HIV. Knowing someone is not to contract AIDS person akan didiskriminasikan. But not more than a warning to the people in surrounding areas. This course requires spirit ìmembuka diriî of ODHA own, and the network community that would protect from discrimination ODHA environment. Through counseling and education, Uganda has succeeded in pressing the number of ODHA drastically. Through this effort, we provide knowledge about AIDS / HIV, danger, therapy and vaccination condition at this time, and how penanggulangannya. To the citizens akan danger AIDS / HIV, the government of Uganda issued a slogan and a warning beep that AIDS was fatal and required an immediate population response based on zero grazingî. ìZero grazingî means not like wild animals. Must realize that the way of AIDS / HIV which is effective prevention. This can be done because we already know the mechanism is the spread of HIV virus. The main factor is sex. So if we want to be free from the threat of AIDS / HIV, not to have sex other than his wife.

ket: ODHA = people living with HIV / AIDS

Hopefully with this information, you increase the awareness of the dangers of HIV / AIDS, and thanks for your participation and the opportunity to spend a little time.